Getting tongue-tied is pretty innocuous and even a little funny if you or your child are trying to say a tongue-twister. But an actual tongue or lip-tie is anything but fun. They can cause all sorts of issues for children, and if your little one is showing any of the following 5 signs, then it might be time to talk to their pediatric dentist about a frenectomy.
What is a Lip/Tongue Tie?
The tongue and both lips are attached to a small band of tissue called a frenulum—one connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth while two others connect each lip to the gums. These help these two parts of the body be in the right place when resting (i.e. at the bottom of the mouth and against the teeth).
But for some children, they can be too short or inflexible, which can cause various problems that lead to the symptoms below.
Difficult Eating
An overly tight lingual (tongue) frenulum can make it hard for a child to swallow, while a labial (lip) frenulum that is too stiff can make latching during breastfeeding quite problematic and painful for both mother and child.
Speaking Troubles
Ties can cause a child to develop a lisp or have trouble saying certain sounds and syllables. If your child’s speech doesn’t improve over time, an undiagnosed tie might be the reason.
Mouth Breathing
As touched on above, the frenulums for the lips hold them close to the teeth, which helps the mouth stay closed so a child primarily breathes through their nose. But if they’re too tight, the mouth can remain slightly open at all times, so a child might learn to mostly mouth breathe.
Gap Between Two Front Teeth
Also the result of an overly tight lip frenulum, it can create a strong enough pull that the front teeth don’t fully come together.
Gum Recession
Excess tension from a lip frenulum can pull on the gums so hard that they actually recede, which puts a child at a higher risk of both cavities and sensitivity.
What Should You Do?
If any of these jump out to you, it’s time to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist. They can screen your child for a lip/tongue tie and even loosen the offending tissue using a fast and gentle laser frenectomy. The problem can be fixed in a matter of minutes and lead to a lifetime of happier, healthier smiles for your child.
About Our Practice
At Glen Ellyn Pediatric Dentistry, our goal is to make you and your child’s time with us a pleasant experience so they don’t have negative feelings about caring for their oral health. We have successfully helped hundreds of kids with lip/tongue-ties with comfortable and effective laser frenectomies, and you can click here or call us at 630-858-8755 to schedule a screening.